Candy is fun!

It puts smiles on our faces. Candy reminds us of childhood, simple joys, and Willy Wonka. Not Grandpa Joe. 😉

Everywhere I go, I'm always looking for the candy shops. The local candies. I want to try the sweets people love all over the world. Then I bring the best candy back for my family to try.

Candy connects us. It's a little indulgence we can all enjoy together.

Here are some of my latest candy reviews and links.


Wouldn't it be Mice

I had this bag of candy for over a month before I opened them. I don't know why. Was it the fact that they were little rodents?


Or maybe it was because the last marshmallow-type candy I tried was super disappointing.

You know how some marshmallow candy tastes like... well, marshmallows. Just soft sugar. If I wanted marshmallows, I'd open a bag of marshmallows.

Not these mice.

They have a great chew that feel close to a gummy. But definitely more marshmallow-y. And the flavors are solid. A raspberry (the pink) and a lemon-orange (the white).

The bag I opened yesterday is almost gone, once my family decided to try.

And that's saying something, since we have A LOT of opened bags of candy. I know a candy is a winner if all of us keep trying it and finish on day one.

Flavor: 9.5/10
Chew: 9.5/10
Texture: 9.5/10
Colors: 8.5/10
Overall: 9.25/10

Try the mice here: MICE CANDY


*affiliate links. We may receive commission if you purchase.

<< Check out this comment I got after sharing them on IG



Sour has serious power!


Have you heard that sour candy can help relieve anxiety? It's true!

A few people DM'd this info to me recently on Instagram when I shared some of my favorite sour candy. So I went looking to articles to verify.

There are loads of articles; one from interviewed Toya Roberson-Moore, MD, who said, "Sour candy shifts our attention quickly to the sense of taste, intensely, which in turn dampens our amygdala (the feeling part of the brain) and gives us better access to our frontal cerebral cortex (the thinking part of our brain)."

Having sour candy on hand in case of a panic attack might not be a long-term solution, but it is nice (and sweet) to know.

Here are a few of my recent sour candy reviews:

Sour Power Straws
I like strawberry and watermelon best. These are seriously the best sour candy I've had in a long time.

Flavor: 9.4/10
Chew: 9.5/10
Color: 9.2/10
Sour: 8.5/10
Overall: 9.2/10

Get a mix here: STRAWS LINK 

Spaghetti Fizz
Similar to Sour Power Straws. Almost as good. I like how many you get in a bag and how long they are. Fun to eat.

Flavor: 9.3/10
Chew: 8.6/10
Color: 9/10
Sour: 9.1/10
Overall: 9/10

Grab a bag here: SPAGHETTI LINK

Rainbow Pixel
They're good. I think kids would really love these. The colors and block shape are really fun. It tastes like "rainbow flavor" 😆.

Flavor: 8.2/10
Chew: 9/10
Color: 9.5/10
Sour: 7.5/10
Overall: 8.5/10

Try a bag: RAINBOW BAG
Get a whole tub here: RAINBOW TUB


*affiliate links. We may receive commission if you purchase.


We sold them out!

Maoam Kracher Frucht is one of my new favorite candies. A mix between a fruit Mento and a Hi-Chew, these bullet-sized candies are a perfect sweet treat. I think three is the ideal amount to satisfy the sweet tooth and still feel content. Most of the time. 😉

Flavor: 9.5/10
Chew: 9.3/10
Texture: 9.6/10
Colors: 8.5/10
Overall: 9.3/10

Get the tub here: TUB LINK
Small bags here: BAG LINK 


*affiliate links. We may receive commission if you purchase.