Fear is what you FEEL

grow Oct 05, 2022

"Fear is what you feel. Work is what you do."

I’m all for feelings. All for them. I feel deeply and strongly and sincerely.

I also know that feelings are often inaction. They are thoughts, emotions, and ideas. Which are all pointless without ACTION. Fear is inaction.

Maybe you fear putting yourself out there, or change, or ridicule and failure. Shocking revelation for you: we all do.

Maybe you fear what you see in the news, things your friends tell you, future chances of pain and hurt. Guess what? We all do, too.

The only way I know how to get past all that fear is by working. Sometimes that literally means picking up a shovel and digging and most of the time it means JUST MOVING FORWARD with something/anything productive.

Scared of being left out? Call someone.

Afraid of your kids’ future? Take them on a walk.

Worried that you’ll fail at your business? Start working on it. Or keep working on it.

My kids laugh at how often I quote Dale Carnegie (we call him Elder Carnegie, it’s fine, don’t worry about it). Peep this quote of his if you think I’m crazy:

“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy!”

Start moving.

Buy that book or program.

Get serious.

Do research.

Call that person.

Take that chance.

Work through the fear until you forgot it existed.