Many of these posts are from our weekly Newsletter

Imagine how nice it would be if they were sent directly to your email each Tuesday!

No SPAM. Only awesome ideas and tips for your life and business.

All the best candies of 2024 Jan 02, 2025

I've tried hundreds of candies this year.

All for you!

Ok, also for me. Mostly because I love candy, but don't want to waste time with not-so-good candies.

Here are the TOP TEN of 2024:

10. Susse Mause 

The cutest marshmallow mice. Put them in a jar or add them to dirt cups. Great chew.

9. Sou...

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One-Second Reels? Jul 17, 2024

If you’ve been on Instagram lately, there is a good chance you’ve seen a 1-second Reel.

They’re everywhere.

The most popular audio in this trend is the “blinking sound” which has over 1 million uses. There are other audios that sound identical or similar with hundreds of thousands of uses.

Does t...

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Survivor Life Lessons Jul 15, 2024

Do you watch Survivor?

Or I should ask, when was the last time you watched Survivor?

Pretty sure I’ve never met someone who hasn’t at least seen one or two episodes of the wildly successful show.

My 14yo son and I started watching old seasons last summer. It’s become our summer tradition to watch...

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IN-plugging Jun 20, 2024

I was on X (aka Twitter) yesterday and someone I follow said something to effect of “I’m going to inplug for the summer as I spend time with family.” And yes, he said “inplug.” And, yes, what he meant to say was “unplug.” 

But…I’m a word person and my mind instantly began to think about the potenti...

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3 things for June Jun 06, 2024

Fathers Day is this week. And while most people like to get their dads a tie or barbecue tools (again!) for the big day, I like to find things that Dads will actually use.


And love. Most of these items are things I would love to get, as well. There are all kinds of gift ideas and most of them ...

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May things May 09, 2024

Three things I want to share with you this May…

 Remember the old saying “April showers bring May flowers.” I was in the kitchen on Sunday preparing dinner for my extended family. I look out the window and see snow. Lots of snow. Huge-flakes snow coming down and just crushing the flowers. So if pre...

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Business Messaging Mar 14, 2024

Something my husband Alan and I legit love talking about is message. More specifically, the importance of a clear message in a business. 

Do you know your business’s message? 

I’m not talking about the brand. 

And I’m not talking about product or service. 

Your message is the soul of your busine...

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February Favorites Feb 07, 2024


We are already one week into February and I’m finally sharing my Feb Faves. I think you’ll like at least ONE (if not all) of these:

1. The Instagram account jefferson_fisher.

Have you followed him yet? This account is so fascinating to watch grow AND he has such helpful, engaging Reels. I especiall...

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Read the sign! May 10, 2023

Do you do this, too?

I love taking pictures of signs on trips.

Let me rephrase: I don’t like reading long plaques. That’s my least favorite thing, but it’s Alan’s favorite. But…

I love signage that I don’t see often.

Like this one.

What causes a sign like this to be made?

How long were people ...

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Check your bio Mar 01, 2023

Have you looked at your bio lately?

The one in your Instagram account.

Have you read it? As though you were meeting you (your account) for the first time?

Is it accurate? Is it updated? Is it about what THEY can expect if THEY follow? (As opposed to what most bios unfortunately do, which is talk ...

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ChatGPT is cool and all but... Feb 08, 2023

I think it is proving that MORE THAN EVER, showing up on your social media accounts is going to be paramount in maintaining relationships.

If you've been worried about showing your face in Instagram Stories or creating a YouTube channel because you don't feel comfortable... time to reassess.

Time ...

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Feel awkward? Jan 24, 2023

You're either born with it or you're not.

That's what a lot of people seem to think about feeling confident on camera. Especially recording yourself for video and Stories.

But I am telling you: ALMOST EVERYONE is awkward at first.

I have worked with people who were newscasters, reality tv celebri...

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