
Jun 20, 2024

I was on X (aka Twitter) yesterday and someone I follow said something to effect of “I’m going to inplug for the summer as I spend time with family.” And yes, he said “inplug.” And, yes, what he meant to say was “unplug.” 

But…I’m a word person and my mind instantly began to think about the potential of this new word — inplug. What would it mean to “inplug.”

So…I’m going to coin it and define it now. 

INPLUG. Transitive verb. 

1: To not passively step away or withdraw from, but rather to sidestep a current direction with purpose and intention to come back stronger.

Ya feel me?

Ok, that was a little Merriam-Webster-y. Let’s go into it in more everyday language.

To me, to inplug would mean to unplug with a proactive intention happening behind the scenes instead. When I hear people say they want to unplug, I usually think that they want to step away from something in their life so that they have less of it around for a while. 

Whether it’s toning down on TV, social media, or feverishly collecting Jibbitz the unplug usually means doing less.

I’ve already talked recently about my belief in stepping into summer to set up your fall and holiday season for your business. I still believe this. But this doesn’t mean that you have to conduct business as usual.

No. Instead “inplug.”

Take some time this summer to experiment. Try that new idea that won’t leave you alone. Lay back in the hammock to think big picture. Like big, BIG picture.

Give your brain and your business permission to play. 

This isn’t a break. It’s not a stoppage. It’s not an unplug.

An inplug is the permission to till the rich soil of your creative brain. To pick up that fork in the road and run it through your hair like the dinglehopper that it is. Put down the paintbrush and play with fingerpaints again just to see what it creates — and remember how fun it is. It’s time to step away from your memoirs and try writing that crazy noir-western idea you’ve had.

So, keep things going in your business or your creative pursuit. But summer is the time to cut loose. To run through the sprinklers. To chase fireflies. And discover the newest way to riff on S’mores.

Happy summer and happy inplugging.